NSSLHA Newsletter — April 2021

NSSLHA Marquette
4 min readApr 30, 2021

In case you missed April…

Three of our members from E-Board repping their apparel

Can you believe that April is already over!? We can’t either! April was Autism Acceptance Month so we raised awareness throughout Instagram to celebrate, support, and uplift individuals with Autism. NSSLHA hosted two all-chapter meetings: a virtual yoga session, and our first in-person event of the semester — rock painting! We promoted a department-wide panel session looking at SPPA through the lens of diverse SLPs. In total we raised $177 in donations for Marquette Dance Marathon. Additionally, we have absolutely loved seeing our fellow NSSLHA members sporting their “Be Kind” apparel around campus!

Some of our NSSLHA members enjoying our in-person rock painting meeting

SPPA Alumni Panel: Stories from the Field — Through the Lens of Diverse SLPs

We wanted to give a big thank you to everyone who participated in and logged onto our SPPA Alumni Panel: Stories from the Field — Through the Lens of Diverse SLPs. We covered a wide range of topics including representation in the field, promoting awareness in the profession, combating discrimination, inclusivity of students, and improving resources as well as mentorship as a University. We appreciate the conversation each of these alumni, students, and staff engaged in for opening the door to dialogue in a time of need. It is also important to have this dialogue for the purpose of increasing the representation of minorities in the profession. We look forward to hosting more conversations similar to this panel in the future!

Special thank you to all of our Alumni on the Panel!

Alumni names (from left to right)
Top: Courtney Jackson, Ryan Pardo
Bottom: Bea Castaneda, Sarah Bromley, Maja Whitaker

Q&A With Stacy Ko

Each new month NSSLHA features a staff member from within our College of Health Sciences department here at Marquette. For the month of April we are honored to highlight Stacy Ko!

  1. What is your job title and what courses at Marquette do you teach within the Speech Pathology and Audiology Department?
    Clinical Assistant Professor & Director of the Bilingual English-Spanish (BIES) Specialization. I teach the following courses:
  • SPPA 4610/5610 Multicultural Issues in Speech-Language Pathology
  • SPPA 6620 Speech and Language Assessment in Bilingual Populations
  • SPPA 6630 Speech and Language Intervention in Bilingual Populations
  • SPPA 6730 Procedures in Medical and School Settings (Schools portion)

2. Why did you decide to get into the profession?
I liked that Speech Pathology combined many of my interests. I loved the idea of working with children, but I did not see myself as a teacher. I was fascinated by deaf culture but did not see myself as a deaf educator. When I learned about Speech Pathology as a high school student, I knew it would provide me with the opportunity to specialize in communication by working with a wide variety of individuals with disabilities and to make a difference in their lives. When I realized I could use my Spanish skills working as a bilingual SLP, I knew I had found my profession.

3. What is your favorite thing about the profession and teaching at Marquette?
I love discussing the complexities of working with bilingual populations. I also enjoy seeing students develop into confident clinicians as they gain experience with clients.

4. Please tell us one fun fact about yourself!
I have a beautiful Golden Retriever named Grace who enjoys playing with squeaky toys during Teams meetings and Zoom sessions!

5. Advice for students continuing their education and careers in Speech Pathology and Audiology
Dedicate yourselves to providing culturally responsive care. You will work with individuals from all different backgrounds as an SLP and to do so effectively you will need to commit to developing a culturally responsive style of care over the course of your career.

Thank you so much Professor Ko for joining us at NSSLHA and participating in our Q&A. We appreciate you!

April Showers Bring May Flowers — What’s to come:

  • 5/1 May Day
  • 5/9 Mother’s Day
  • 5/10 Final Exams Begin
  • 5/12 Virtual Advocacy Day
  • 5/17 Senior Week
  • 5/24 Summer session begins

Thank you so much for reading and participating in all-things NSSLHA! April was fantastic and we look forward to May. Good luck with final exams and finish out the year strong like we know you can! Let us all pray and hope for peace and justice in our world today.


