NSSLHA Newsletter — October 2021

NSSLHA Marquette
4 min readNov 8, 2021

Midterms have passed and the end of the semester is in sight! However, there is still so much going on in our NSSLHA world that we don’t want the semester to end! Let’s take a look back at how October went:


Pumpkin Fun

This October we brought the Fall Festivities back into the clinic with some of our clinicians getting the chance to decorate pumpkins with their clients! We also were happy to be able to bring back the tradition of trick-or-treating with clients this year in the MUSHC! What a gourd time!!… (see what we did there!?;)

Pumpkins picked for carving in the clinic (above)

Gearing up for Grad School

Early October we hosted a graduate school application discussion led by Professor Dr. Moyle. She discussed the steps needed to apply to Marquette, the ADP and ED application process and eligibility, personal statements, recommendation letters, and any other great questions that the students had concerns about. The students who attended in person also got the perk of pizza! For those of you who happened to miss the meeting, don’t worry because you can use the link below to view a virtual recording:

Grad School Application Discussion-20211006_173041-Meeting Recording

Thank you Dr. Moyle!
Feel free to contact Dr. Moyle with any questions/concerns you may have.

Fundraising Frenzy

We had two fundraisers for the month of October. We had our first ever succulent sale and then a bake sale towards the end of the month. Both were a huge success! Thank you to everyone who volunteered to help, and thank you to all who made a purchase — We hope that your succulents are still growing, and your stomachs are filled!

E-Board members Victoria (L) and Nibia (R) at the succulent sale in the AMU

All-Chapter Socials

Our first social for the month was an all-chapter bowling event hosted at the Union Sports Annex here on campus. Our members showed off their competitive sides, bowling skills, and tore up the lanes! We have to say…this event was right up NSSLHA’s (bowling) alley!

NSSLHA members right before they obviously bowled a STRIKE!

For the second event of the month we organized an all-chapter meeting to decorate the MUSHC with festive Fall crafts made by the students. Members’ decorations help make our faculty, clinicians, and clients smile when they walk through our amazing speech and hearing clinic!

NSSLHA in November:

Save the date because November is going to be all about NSSLHA!

  • Week of 11/15 Apparel Pickup (More details to come to MU email)
  • Week of 11/22 All-Chapter Social Event
  • Week of 11/22 NSSLHA Fundraiser
  • Dec. 3 from 5–7PM NSSLHA Holiday Potluck
  • Speechie Buddies — Remember to plan fun get-togethers with your groups!
  • Lookout for class events as well from your class representative!

Follow us on Instagram @mu_nsslha for more important updates and reminders. Feel free to DM us with any questions or concerns you may have, and we will happily respond!

FRESH Faces:
This year for the newsletter we would like to highlight some of our new fresh faces that have recently joined NSSLHA. This month for October we have chosen to highlight TWO of NSSLHA’s members!

Thank you Natalie for participating and providing thoughtful answers!

Natalie Mozdzen
Speech Pathology
What you’re most excited about for NSSLHA:
One thing I’m super exited for is meeting new people and getting to know them better!
Fun Fact:
I’m 100% Polish

Thanks so much Claire — We love learning more about you!

Claire Cady
Speech Pathology and Audiology
What you’re most excited about for NSSLHA:
I am excited to meet and get to know people with the same major as me!
Fun Fact:
I have never tried coffee
Any other Extracurriculars on Campus:
I work at the Rec Center at Marquette

Thanks so much for reading, we will see you back here next month:)


